Budget Battle on the Hill in Full Swing as House Votes on another Three-Week Extension

   U.S. Capitol

Caryn Freeman 1:59PM EST
Congress will make another attempt to pass a short term budget deal today. Republicans are still arguing that the proposed cuts don't go far enough and some Republicans say they will vote against the three-week spending plan when it comes before the chamber for a vote. With no apparent leadership and an apparent coup in place by the seventy members of the Tea Party who are currently hold the House hostage with what some call "extreme budget cuts." Patience is wearing thin at the White House and in Congress on both sides of the isle regarding the 2012 Federal budget.

Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, chairman of the conservative Republican Study Committee, said in a statement released Monday. “We need swift action to deal with spending for the rest of this year. We need to stop sending taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood, and we need to defund Obamacare. And we need to start tackling next year’s budget, the debt ceiling, and other challenges standing in the way of job creation. We’ve made some solid first downs on spending. Now it’s time to look to the end zone.”

The end zone goes beyond passing this bill in Congress. Both parties are looking at the race to the White House in 2012 and as usual members in the House of Representatives will soon be scrambling to keep their jobs in 2012 as well. Marco Rubio has spoken out strongly condemning both parties for what he calls engaging in "political theater."  Welcome to Congress Marco. As much as the junior senator exclaims he did not come to Washington to engage in political theater, the show is on Marco and you’re definitely in the cast. With that said there are some freshman members of Congress Republicans who plan to no vote Tuesday.
Rep. Tim Huelskamp, R-Kansas, plans to vote no as well as Tea Party backed Florida, Reps. Allen West and Steve Southerland. Current spending authority expires Friday; if no further funds are provided, much of the government would shut down.